SANTA MONICA, CA, May 1, 2002 ? Avica Technology announced today that
its FilmStore™ product line are the first Digital Cinema servers to be granted
certification by Lucasfilm THX�. The Lucasfilm THX certification program for
Digital Cinema products has been established to insure high quality digital
presentations for the upcoming release of Star Wars: Episode II ? Attack of
the Clones, as well as for future digital movies.
“THX is committed to playing a leading role in digital cinema, and this new
certification program is a helpful step toward making digital cinema a market
reality,” said Tim Schafbuch, Director, THX Digital Cinema. “These THX
certified products will provide the industry with the assurance that digital
cinema systems will deliver on their promised benefits, and at the same time
assure the highest presentation quality.”
“We are pleased to be the first server manufacturer to commit to the THX
digital cinema certification program," commented Avica Technology’s
President/CEO Andy Maltz. “Avica's FilmStore servers are designed
specifically for digital cinema applications, and we have long been committed
to the establishment of industry standards, interoperability, as well as the
highest levels of quality and reliability. The THX certification program is a
major step toward these goals and will benefit exhibitors, distributors,
filmmakers, and most importantly, the audience."
The THX digital cinema program establishes performance and quality levels
for digital systems as well as individual digital cinema components, including
projectors and servers. The THX digital cinema certification program
encompasses virtually every factor that affects performance, including the
compression standard, encryption, transmission, all aspects of projector
performance, as well as reliability and operational issues. The program does
not specify a delivery method, so allows certification of satellite and fiber
optics delivery systems, as well as DVD-based systems or those that deliver
content via some other means.
The Avica FilmStore product line is the first of its kind?an entire line of
servers built expressly for Digital Cinema applications. The product line
consists of three FilmStore server models, each delivering Avica’s flexible,
solution-focused software technology and user interface components running
on highly reliable Dell Computer server hardware. Configurations are
available for both single screen and multiplex environments and all feature
Avica’s unique future-proof design approach--supporting adoption of new
technologies through evolution rather than obsolescence.
About Avica Technology
Avica Technology Corporation is a leading developer of advanced postproduction
and Digital Cinema technologies. Avica's customer-focused
approach has led to development of a broad range of products for
acquisition, storage, transmission and playout of high definition images. The
Avica Platform for Digital Cinema employs a unique data-centric approach to
hardware and software design. Avica's Platform technology promotes a longrange
growth path with a scalable architectural design to support the
entertainment industry's transition to digital production, distribution and
exhibition. For additional information on Avica Technology and its products
visit http://www.avicatech.com.
by 100명 2005. 7. 22. 16:31